Sunday, June 26, 2011

laugh and learn

95 ways to use humor for more effective teaching and training
This book is written to provide a low-risk, affordable way for teachers, trainers, and speakers to start putting humor to work for them. In the process, however, it’s hoped this book lead all communicators to an appreciation of how humor can help them convey virtually any topic far more effectively, resulting in substantial long-term benefits for themselves, their listeners, and their organizations. Readers will be fascinated that humor fulfills for biological purposes—a major one of which seems to be to make you think and work better. Like every other biological function, humor seems essentially to have been implanted to ensure the continuance of the species.

It is intented that after reading this book you will:
Feel clear about the benefits humor can bring to the invaluable
work you do
Be convinced to start using humor
Have a ready “tool box” of tried-and-true techniques to draw on
Feel fearless about using humor in your classroom (and outside
it, too)

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